Why Do You Need Master Mix PCR?

Master Mix PCR, additionally called PCR Master Mix and PCR Mix, is an instantaneous solution that comprises crucial elements needed for a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in a singular tube. The process of a PCR is significantly simplified due to the use of this.

It contains a thermostable DNA polymerase. It also has optimal buffer systems for sustaining appropriate pH conditions. Furthermore, it may have MgCl2 (magnesium chloride), which serves as an important factor in DNA polymerase activity. So, this article deals with several reasons why Master Mix PCR is needed instead of conventional methods.

Why do you need Master Mix PCR?

Using a Master Mix PCR can save you a lot of valuable time. From reducing pipetting errors to being practical for higher applications, it is an important way to adopt in modern times. Researchers throughout the places have reported ease of working with the help of this. Molecular biology researchers benefit largely from Master Mix PCR. Let us understand the various ways in which it proves more useful.

Reduces pipetting

A whole array of pipetting steps is reduced to a minimum with the use of a Master Mix PCR solution. A reduction in steps also reduces any potential errors that may happen in those steps. Researchers save themselves from the errors of wrong measurements and cross-contamination with the master mix. This saves them valuable time while engaging in important research methods. The results are largely impacted due to the reduction of human errors and are more likely to turn out well.

Low risk of contamination

There is a minimal to a negligible chance of contamination or cross-contamination with the use of Master Mix PCR, the contamination of primary and secondary antibodies, to cite an example. Contamination is a major threat in molecular biological research, and the use of pre-mixes can reduce that possibility to a huge extent. Since even the most minute unintended DNA can cause an inaccurate result, this is a highly viable solution for researchers. With all the components already mixed in a good quantity, contamination is highly unlikely.


The ready-to-use solution proves very convenient for researchers in the long run. There is no need to distinguish and measure each quantitative element separately since everything is already in place, with accurate measurements. This helps researchers use up their time and efforts on more significant matters. In experiments that revolve around intensive and multiple PCR reactions, this makes the workflow smoother for everyone.

Time Saver

Again, with the instantaneous nature of the pre-mixed solution, researchers save a lot of time during their working hours. Instead of a lot of time spent measuring and cross-checking components, they can spend more time on their research experiments, like those of protein ladders. Work is made easier with Master Mix PCR.

Low chance of error

With accurate mixing of components coming to the researchers in a ready-to-use mix, there is an even lower chance of errors and failures in experiments. It helps maintain consistency in workflow with accurate results and better performance. It is a solution that researchers can rely on while performing their functions. They also have better control over the situation with his. Better data and better results are the undeniable boons of Master Mix PCR.

Master Mixes by Universal Biotechnology are especially potent in reducing human errors and boosting research outcomes.


In summary, Master Mix PCR is a brilliant and standardized way to reduce errors in the process of conducting research in the field of molecular biology. It ensures better results without the loss of a lot of timely resources. The quality of research is also significantly boosted.



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