Exploring the Working of Protein Ladders in Molecular Biology

Protein ladders occupy a significant position in molecular biology due to their enhanced functioning. These reagents comprise purified protein strains that are of familiar size and characteristics. Hence, they are therefore used to estimate the size and characteristics of unknown molecules. The speed of the molecules is inversely dependent upon their size, the more the size, the lesser the speed. To learn more about the working of protein ladders in molecular biology, start reading this blog right away! How Do Protein Ladders Work in Molecular Biology? Here's how protein ladders function: Concept of Protein Ladders Protein ladders are also termed protein markers, protein standards, etc. It is the most commonly used reagent in molecular biology to determine protein size using the process of gel electrophoresis. This reagent comprises purified protein stains that can be used to estimate proteins during the procedure of electrophoresis. There are various types of Protein ladders. The...